[Huawei]user-interface console 0
[Huawei-ui-console0]authentication-mode ?
aaa AAA authentication
none Login without checking # 无需验证直接登陆console口
password Authentication through the password of a user terminal interface # 只通过输入密码登陆console口
[Huawei-ui-console0]authentication-mode aaa
[Huawei-aaa]local-user ?
STRING<1-64> User name, in form of ‘user@domain’. Can use wildcard ‘*’,
while displaying and modifying, such as *@isp,user@*,*@*.Can
not include invalid character / \ : * ? ” < > | @ ‘
[Huawei-aaa]local-user 023wg.com ?
access-limit Set access limit of user(s)
ftp-directory Set user(s) FTP directory permitted
idle-timeout Set the timeout period for terminal user(s)
password Set password
privilege Set admin user(s) level
service-type Service types for authorized user(s)
state Activate/Block the user(s)
user-group User group
[Huawei-aaa]local-user 023wg.com password ?
cipher User password with cipher text
[Huawei-aaa]local-user 023wg.com password cipher www.023wg.com
[Huawei-aaa]local-user 023wg.com service-type ?
8021x 802.1x user
bind Bind authentication user
ftp FTP user
http Http user
l2tp L2tp user
ppp PPP user
ssh SSH user
sslvpn Sslvpn user
telnet Telnet user
terminal Terminal user
web Web authentication user
x25-pad X25-pad user
[Huawei-aaa]local-user 023wg.com service-type terminal ?
8021x 802.1x user
bind Bind authentication user
ftp FTP user
http Http user
l2tp L2tp user
ppp PPP user
ssh SSH user
sslvpn Sslvpn user
telnet Telnet user
web Web authentication user
x25-pad X25-pad user
[Huawei-aaa]local-user 023wg.com service-type terminal
[Huawei-ui-console0]authentication-mode password
[Huawei-ui-console0]set authentication ?
password Set the password for a user interface
[Huawei-ui-console0]set authentication password ?
cipher Set the password with cipher text
simple Set the password in plain text
[Huawei-ui-console0]set authentication password cipher ?
STRING<1-16>/<24> Plain text/cipher text password
[Huawei-ui-console0]set authentication password cipher 023wg.com
[Huawei-ui-console0]dis th
user-interface con 0
authentication-mode aaa
set authentication password cipher }GUbE_&zC@|8z[/:Cq23’O1#
user-interface vty 0 4
user-interface vty 16 20
输入的密码可以是明文或者密文,当不指定cipher password参数时,将采用交互方式输入明文密码,当指定cipher password参数时,既可以输入明文密码也可以输入密文密码,但都将以密文形式保存在配置文件中。
[Huawei-ui-console0]authentication-mode none
[Huawei-ui-console0]user privilege level ?
INTEGER<0-15> Set a priority
[Huawei-ui-console0]idle-timeout ?
INTEGER<0-35791> Set the number of minutes before a terminal user times out(default: 10minutes)
[Huawei-ui-console0]screen-length ?
INTEGER<0-512> Display the number of lines on a screen (the value 0 indicates none split screen, and the default value is 24)
[Huawei-ui-console0]screen-width ?
INTEGER<60-512> Screen width value, the default is 80
[Huawei-ui-console0]history-command ?
max-size Set the size of the maximum history buffer, the default value is 10
[Huawei-ui-console0]history-command max-size ?
INTEGER<0-256> The size of a history buffer
[Huawei-ui-console0]speed ?
300 Only asynchronous serial user terminal interfaces can be configured
600 Only asynchronous serial user terminal interfaces can be configured
1200 Only asynchronous serial user terminal interfaces can be configured
4800 Only asynchronous serial user terminal interfaces can be configured
9600 Only asynchronous serial user terminal interfaces can be configured
19200 Only asynchronous serial user terminal interfaces can be configured
38400 Only asynchronous serial user terminal interfaces can be configured
57600 Only asynchronous serial user terminal interfaces can be configured
115200 Only asynchronous serial user terminal interfaces can be configured
[Huawei-ui-console0]flow-control ?
hardware Hardware flow control mode # 硬件方式
none None flow control mode # 无
software Software flow control mode # 软件方式
[Huawei-ui-console0]parity ?
even Even check mode # 偶校验方式
mark Mark check mode # Mark校验方式
none None check mode # 无校验
odd Odd check mode # 奇校验方式
space Space check mode # Space校验方式
[Huawei-ui-console0]stopbits ?
1.5 One-and-half-bit stop bit
1 One-bit stop bit
2 Two-bit stop bit
[Huawei-ui-console0]databits ?
5 5-bit databits
6 6-bit databits
7 7-bit databits
8 8-bit databits
<Huawei>display user-interface console 0
Idx Type Tx/Rx Modem Privi ActualPrivi Auth Int
+ 0 CON 0 9600 – 3 3 P –
+ : Current UI is active.
F : Current UI is active and work in async mode.
Idx : Absolute index of UIs.
Type : Type and relative index of UIs.
Privi: The privilege of UIs.
ActualPrivi: The actual privilege of user-interface.
Auth : The authentication mode of UIs.
A: Authenticate use AAA.
N: Current UI need not authentication.
P: Authenticate use current UI’s password.
Int : The physical location of UIs.
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